Monday, December 1, 2008

From bones to an army...

So, Thanksgiving is always goes so quick. I spend all day cooking and in less than 45 minutes, my 24lb turkey is nothing but a carcass. We pulled the wishbone off and set it out to dry for the kids. Now, you're wondering, what does this have to do with ANYthing? Well...I happen to be finished with Ezekeil (finally!) and I've been wanting to capture some thoughts about dry bones (hahahaha)...Chapter 37.

Honestly, I've heard this story so many times, but as always, when I read it this time around, I saw and heard something completely new...and so relevant to right now, and so amazing that I've been trying to unpack it ever since.

First, go read chapter 37: 1-14.

Here's the clif notes version for those of you that cheated and didn't follow the link to reach it...God leads Zeke to this valley full of dry bones (yuck!). It stunk and was really depressing to look at. But, God said -- dude, it's not what you think! They're not dead! I'll bring them back to life, and put my spirit in them, and settle them in this land.

Wow...there is SO much going on here...Just when they were completely dried out and dead, God brings them back to life...

...Just when I think I've got nothing left to give, he breathes life back into me.
...Just when we think those around us are void of passion or emotion or energy, God can AND WANTS TO bring them back to life.

I love this part (vs 9-10): "...Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army."

How cool is that? An ARMY...up out of a bunch of dried up bones.

I want to be in THAT army! Raised from uselessness and into life!

So, that's my prayer this week..."come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into me so that I may live and be part of your army!"

I dare you to pray it with me...are you in?


Elaine said...

That's so cool. Thanks for reminding me.

Kelly said...

Hi Ann,
I've been a lurker on your blog for awhile now. You always make things so clear. I am right there with you and that prayer.

Michael Joseph Sharp said...

Very cool message here. I know many, many people who view their lives much like the dry, stinking bones in the valley.