Just wanted to register a thought that sometimes its REALLY hard to be a working mom. I'm in New York City this week. I left home on Sunday night to head up here for some work -- and I won't be back home until very late Friday night. This is extra stinky since I was in Chicago last week Thursday-Saturday and had less than 24 hours at home before leaving on this NYC trip.
I miss Nick and the kids so much. Someone asked me today if it's worth it -- me being here, on this trip and the business we can build here, in exchange for the time away from my family. Absolutely not, I said.
Here's the thing...I wear a lot of hats: servant to Jesus, wife to Nick, mother to Dominick, Lanie & Anthony, coach, employee, sister, daughter, member, friend, confidante, counselor, etc. There are only three hats, though, that ONLY I can wear...the one that is fulfilling the calling God has placed on my life; being a wife to my husband and being a mother to my kids.
Its not that I can't be a wife and mom while working...it's more that I need to keep in balance how much of my energy and "best effort" is going into each role. Sometimes I get it out of whack. Sometimes it's in balance, but not everyone is happy with my choices. And, quite often, I'm stuck in the middle.
So, this week, I'm praying that God helps me to be a good wife and mother, even from far away; that when I get home, He helps me make good decisions about how to spend my time and my energy; and to forgive myself for not doing it right all the time...
None of us do it right all the time. Even us mom's that don't work outside the home. You are following your passions and I am sure your husband and children know this. That is probably one of the things they love about you. It is what makes you you.
thanks kelly for your encouragement!
Great post, I thinks it's great that you recognize the things that only you can do/be.
Great post. I know what you mean here.
It is so easy to take on more and more responsibility and commitments, and to a point this is OK. With that said, however, I have found myself being pulled in too many directions at times, which has forced me to run triage with those commitments. When I'm doing this wrong, I jettison the more important things (God, family, health) for the sake of the less important things (job, status, earning).
When I am doing it right, I remember what's really important and make decisions accordingly.
For me, it gets back to what we wrap our identity around...
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