Saturday, January 5, 2013

The year of exponential

For the past few years, in lieu of making "resolutions," I've been setting a theme for the year. Interestingly, each year, as I try to listen for what God would have me focus on for the coming year, I get a pretty clear word, and, in my Type-A, (trying-to-recover-from-being-a) control freak way, I determine what the year will bring.

By this year, though, I think I've learned the lesson...each time I've defined and pre-determined what the theme of the year would really mean, I've been off.  Usually, my definition is too small...

2010 was the year of softening.  I had decided that I was too intimidating.  I needed to be more approachable, empathetic.  This would be the year that I became friendlier, kinder, gentler.  And, I did all those things.  But, 2010 brought an unexpected softening of my own, very hardened heart.  2010 was the year I began to feel again.  I began to feel the pain that I had calloused myself to for many years. And I began to sense that there was joy to be felt, too...and that led to 2011.

2011 was the year of courage.  Courage to walk away from the life I had known.  To step out in faith and make a different life for myself and my kids. To break a cycle that seemed like it might be impossible to break, but needed to, before it broke me...2011 was the year I wrestled through separation and divorce, leaving behind my home and money and job and all the things that I had come to think of as security.  Unexpected was the ushering in of trust -- which I know now is hand-in-hand connected to courage...Unprecedented trust led to 2012.

2012 was the year of awakening. I was going to wake up to my life -- be more present, have more fun, be more aware of making memories, run with strength and purpose.  I didn't and couldn't have anticipated how many areas of my life needed to, wholeness, self.  I am awake and alive.  I'm not sure yet that I can even fully articulate what happened last year, but I feel like I've woken up to the woman that I was created to be, and fully embracing my own "awesomeness." (That's not bragging...its really that I woke up from incorrectly thinking that I was doing the right thing with all my negative self talk and doubts).  And, it's led to 2013.

The year of exponential. Now, admittedly, my first thought when I started hearing that word was that was really good news for my business!  Exponential growth for the business.  That was my original prediction about what this year will bring. And, that's when I realized that for the past few years, my prediction was way too small.

Exponential, n. any positive constant raised to a power (

Yes, the business will grow's a positive, and I'm raising it to a power.  Along with every other positive on a very long list of positives in my life right now -- the resilience and joy and growth of my kids; depth of relationships; my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength; gratitude and provision that displaces fear; radiance from the inside out; there are so so many!

What the heck does God have planned for me this year!?  I know His plans are good and that I will prosper (Jeremiah 29:11) And, I plan to raise every positive constant in my life to Him.  And, I'm predicting that the results will be unexpected, unprecedented and exponential.

Bring. It. On. 2013. I'm ready for exponential-whatever-it-is.