Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Take a deep breath...

I'm having one of "those" weeks...

Every once in awhile, I have something close to a panic attack when I look at my calendar and a growing list of things "to do" and have that sinking, awful realization that I am certainly forgetting several really important things I need to do...

It happened this afternoon.

My work schedule has been busier than normal.

As I get more and more into my role at VWS, there is more and more to do.

School starts soon, and that means appointments, supplies, open houses, registration paperwork, clothes and shoes, new backpacks, etc, etc, etc.

Soccer practice is ramping up for both Dominick and Lanie.

The house is on the market, and Nick and I seem to be doing a lot of paperwork and upkeep to keep it presentable for whenever that one perfect buyer comes along.

And, I'm neglecting the things I shouldn't neglect...

  • Staying in the word -- reading scripture daily keeps me centered...why is it one of the first things I let go of when things get crazy like this?
  • Caring for Nick and the kids -- somehow they get the brunt of my frustration and anxiety, as I stomp around feeling sorry for myself.
  • Caring for myself -- exercise is always a challenge, but it's about 9pm, and I just realized I haven't eaten dinner...which means I'll probably end up eating something not-so-healthy and much too late.
  • Sleep -- late to bed and early to rise...trying to fit it all in.
  • Friends -- I'm already fighting the logical solution to give up time with my girlfriends in order to accommodate soccer practices and time at home.
So, I'm going to try to set some boundaries for the amount of time I spend on work stuff and not neglect the things that I know keep me healthy and sane...and keep taking deep breaths...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A random cure for writer's block

I've been suffering lately from reverse-writer's block...a few too many things on my mind...too hard to decide what to write about.

So, I thought I'd dump a few random thoughts so I can just get over the block and back to writing again...

Random thought/musing #1
I signed up for google analytics. Its a service (FREE!) from google that will analyze where your blog traffic is coming from. Pretty interesting to see where you are all reading from! But, here's something quite surprising to me...the biggest single post that has gotten a lot of traffic in the past week is the one titled "How to Be Intimidating." This was a post I wrote a while back, and it was part of my exploration about how NOT to be intimidating. In fact, if you search on google for "how to be intimidating," that blog post shows up -- as the TOP hit! Now, the good news is that if folks hit my blog thinking they're going to read about how to be intimidating, they get just the opposite; the bad news is that lots of people are searching google for help to be more intimidating! Does this bother anyone but me?

Random thought/musing #2
Anthony and I have a little ritual when I'm tucking him in at night. After we read, pray and sing a song, he always has to have a "no-kiss hug." It's a hug, without a kiss. He loves it. For months, he's been anti-kiss from mom. But in the past couple of weeks, he started asking for a kiss and asking to give me a kiss after the no-kiss hug. How sweet is he!?

Random thought/musing #3
Lanie is about to turn 8. Her newest pastime is listening to Taylor Swift. Every time I see her singing along with the words to those cute puppy-love tunes, I can't help by stare at her and realize how quickly being a little girl goes by...When I was 8, I had my first real crush...my neighbor's nephew Dennis. We held hands and hugged in the garage of his aunt and uncle's house, and we ate popcorn with melted butter while we watched movies. It was dreamy. When he sat next to me, I felt all tingly. Can she really be the same age as I was then!?

Random thought/musing #4
Dominick has a best friend. I love watching them hang out together. They stay up late on sleep-over nights and giggle. They skipped through Kroger together today. He's getting to the age where he'll start to tell Nate things that he doesn't tell me...(can you tell I'm feeling a bit reminiscent today?) I'm equal parts excited for him that he has such a great friend, and sad that I'm being replaced as his confidante...

Random thought/musing #5 (this one's for the girls only)
What is up with Victoria's Secret underwear? Every time I buy a new batch, I buy a 5 pairs in the same size and same "style"... but every single one fits totally differently once I wear them. Now, certainly there are times during the month where I might expect them to fit a bit differently, but that does not nearly explain the dramatic difference in the size and cut from one pair to another. Am I the only one this happens to? Maybe I'm too old for Victoria's Secret...

Random thought/musing #6 (last one for today...)
I'm excited about seeing old friends lately. I blogged about my friends Julie and Jill a few weeks ago, and got to see them each quite recently over lunches. It was great to laugh and remember and share with each other. Tomorrow, I get to see an old friend, Jason, who I haven't seen in probably about 3 years. And, last night, we ran into an old friend at Dave & Buster's...I'm getting good practice for my HS reunion, which is coming up in a few weeks!

Okay...I feel better now. Hopefully back to less scattered thinking over the next week or so...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This ain't your mama's church...

Growing up, church...

...was a place I went on Sundays.

...was a building.

...smelled a little "funny."

...was predictable.

...was about my religion.

...never seemed to go fast enough (except for the one guy we called "Father Fast Mass"...we loved him!).

...didn't mean much to me.

...was an obligation.

These days, church...

...is a community of people.

...challenges me to grow.

...is a gift.

...is so meaningful to me.

...is something I look forward to.

...smells pretty good (I think it's the coffee!)

...is about my relationships.

I've been reading through Hebrews this week and reflecting a lot on what church really is. What priesthood really means. What I had to learn and un-learn as I began to develop a relationship with Jesus and real community with others.

How has your definition of church changed over time? What is your definition of church?