It's been a nice, long break from blogging...
Actually, I'm lying...
It hasn't been a "nice" long break...
Rather, it's been a bit of a frustrating break.
I've been a bit "blocked" lately -- but not for lack of topics that I've wanted to write about. Quite the opposite, in fact...
Too many things I want to write about...
Today I realized I've got to start somewhere!
So, I'll share something interesting I learned about myself and about leadership today.
I'm at a conference in Sedona, Arizona (side note -- one of the MOST gorgeous places I've ever seen!). It's a conference focused on learning to lead differently.
Now, much of the content so far hasn't been that breakthrough for me, but having some time to reflect and think has been refreshing.
This afternoon, we were talking about our natural gifts. The facilitator of the session compared our gifts to "seeds" that need "soil" to grow. He asked us to consider "what soil do we need for our gifts to grow and thrive?" We each went outside for some quite time alone to consider this question.
I realize three things as I took in the beauty of the red rock area:
First, all throughout the hard, red rock walls, there were plants and vegetation growing -- flowers blooming and healthy leaves unfurling. And it struck me -- so often, we find ourselves in a place where we feel like we just "can't grow." But, is that really true? Can't we grow just about anywhere we are? As long as I desire to grow, and look for opportunities to grow, it doesn't matter whether I'm in a "rock" or soil...
Second, everywhere I looked, there were plants and animals -- little bugs flying all around, birds chirping, the plants and flowers I already mentioned. They are growing, being beautiful and giving back to the earth in their own, unique ways, and they aren't working hard to take on more responsibility or new challenges or to learn new skills (have you ever seen a bird try to learn to water ski?)...Now, there's nothing wrong with seeking out new skills, learning, knowledge, etc, but maybe sometimes I try too hard. Maybe if I just rested in my given talents and beauty, it would be "enough."
Finally, as I was reflecting on the plants and flowers again, I thought about the season -- it's late spring/early summer. For some of the plants, it's the season to flower and bloom. For others, it's a season of tremendous growth, but not for outward blooms. In several months, for most of these plants, it will be a season of outward dormancy, while the roots continue to grow and strengthen under the soil (or rock, in this case). I need to realize that seasons are healthy -- it's not always time to be blooming and "on"...with regularity, I need time for internal growth and nourishment without the pressure of production...
I consistently struggle with allowing myself to have "seasons"...the pressure to produce is strong...but, it's a choice, and I'm going to try to work on choosing to rest, reflect and pursue inward growth more often, knowing that what I "produce" will be healthier and more beautiful for the effort. I'm going to try to be content with my given strengths and talents, appreciate my own beauty, and grow wherever I am planted at the moment...
Good analogies.
Yes, there were things to learn about ourselves, about each other and about God's amazing creations and unwavering protection and love!
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