Monday, April 27, 2009

Things I never do...

So, I've made it through the week! Nick comes home from Honduras tomorrow, and I've been reflective tonight about all the things the week has entailed. Here are just a few of the things that I almost NEVER do that I've done this week while Nick's been gone...

  • Killed three wasps in our bathroom (where the heck do those things even come from?)
  • Took out the trash and the recycling bin
  • Cleaned the whole house -- Vacuumed and swiffed the floors (Nick's two favorite chores!); and dusted, which neither of us likes to do very often
  • Cleaned the cat litter pans (actually, I haven't done this yet, but it's on my list to do tomorrow before he gets home)
  • Packed Dominick's lunch for him everyday -- not because he can't do it himself, but just because...
  • Planted some flowers in the yard
  • Swept out the garage
  • Took the kids to the bus stop
  • Took Coco for a few walks
  • Took the kids to get ice cream
  • Watched TV much less and read/reflected/prayed much more often
  • Cooked 4 times!!!! Seriously, this is big...I made chicken noodle soup one night (NOT from a can!); I fried some chicken tonight (will never do that again...what a mess!); made tuna casserole one night, etc...
  • Ate more fruits and veggies (weird, huh!?...but, I think I know why, and it's too deep for tonight's blogpost...)
  • Cried...a lot...not just because I missed him, but because it was probably the most difficult and painful week I've had at Seek in the past two years...again, too much for tonight's post...
  • Asked for help -- when the garage door got stuck and when I needed to go to the grocery and Anthony was sleepy and cranky
  • Went into work late and left early, without stressing out about it
  • Painted my toenails
  • Went shopping for myself
I also did some not-so-great staying up late into the night working (multiple nights); screaming at the kids (once on the way home from Dominick's soccer game when they just would not stop fighting in the car), and playing around on facebook much more than anyone should ever play around on facebook...

But, here's the really big thing...

I spent all this time this week coming up with things that I could do to show Nick how much I love him.

I spent all this time this week thinking about how much I love him, and need him and want him.

Everyone that asked got an earful about how great he is...and how brave he is to take this trip...and what an example he is for the kids...and what a great leader he is for this family.

And, eating better, painting my toenails, relaxing about work, treating myself a bit, just being "here" with the kids, talking great about him...these are the things that communicate my love.

So, why don't I do them more often? Why don't I sit around dreaming about how to show him my love when he's here?

Wow...God has just rocked my world this week. I'm so blessed and humbled.

So, tomorrow night, I'm going to put on a skirt, and makeup, and maybe even some perfume and take myself and my painted toenails to the airport and pick up my husband...

I hope he recognizes me!


Kelly said...

That was so sweet, Ann. Sounds like you had a wonderful week and love and appreciate your hubby so much. You guys are awesome.

melanie said...

I painted my toenails and fingernails too!!

Nick Calcara said...

Words can never say how much I love and missed you. I did notice all of the stuff you did around the house and how GREAT you looked at the airport!!! Thank you for being my wonderful bride.