Saturday, April 11, 2009

I have a theory

I have a theory...maybe I'm not the first person to think of this -- in fact, I'm pretty sure that someone else much smarter and more self-actualized has probably thought a lot more about this than I have, but here's my theory...

My theory is that some of the most potentially powerful people for the kingdom of God are the ones who are currently stuck in the worst situations.

The woman who has been beaten black and blue by a husband who's ravaged with rage deep inside him,

and the husband who is beating her.

The sanitation worker who took the only job he could find so that he could pay the bills, but is eternally unchallenged and bored with his job.

The prisoner who embezzeled thousands of dollars from his company.

The child in Africa, who suffers from malaria, can't seem to get any clean water to drink, and doesn't understand how to process the big dreams that race through her mind.

When I reflect on this theory, I wonder why there is no evil force putting inexplicable effort into keeping me down...or maybe there is, but why am I so fortunate to be able to join God in the work I see him doing? How much more powerful are these folks that I see everyday who aren't as fortunate as I am?

See, if God knows about the power and vision he has for each of his children, I'm quite convinced that satan knows about it, too...and he (satan) pours out a lot of energy to keep these folks from living out what God has designed them to do...doesn't this make sense? Think about the countless "celebrities" who aren't using their fame and fortune for good...and then, think of the ones that are using it for good...God designed us all for kingdom purposes, but even those of us that are trying to pursue it potentially never realize the impact that God wants to make through us.

Can you imagine a world where folks lived out their unique design for good? Here's a woman who really "gets" this...This young woman and her work is an inspiration to me. Even more, though, I'm inspired by the guys that her organization "sets free."

Next time you encounter someone who is beaten down, unable to "make it,", seemingly trapped by addiction or rage or bad decisions, think about it...

What did God really design that person for?

Is it really so hard to believe that it was for a good and noble and really important kingdom purpose?


Nick Calcara said...

I love this theory. I meet at least two new people a week and I wonder, what is God doing in their life. I still haven't completely figured out my purpose but I know I will since I am with you.

Michael Joseph Sharp said...

This is a pretty cool theory, ... and it seems to fall in line with the One who modeled it for us.