Friday, January 2, 2009

Name Your Year

We had some friends over last night and had such a wonderful time. It's an amazing treasure to have friends that you can completely be yourself with...

Each of us took turns giving a "name" for 2008 and pre-titling 2009 as well. It was such a revealing and reflective exercise.

2008 for me would be titled "Humility." If you've been reading this blog, this won't be a surprise to you. So many times this year, I feel like I've been "knocked off my horse." Professionally, personally, spiritually, just about every area of my life. So many mistakes -- I'm not even sure that I made more mistakes this year than in the past, but I was so much more acutely aware of my own imperfection and my innate need for other people and for grace and forgiveness (from others, from God, from myself). Now, to be clear, I'm FAR from a humble person, but I'm working on learning humility everyday and realizing that being humble can make me a much better leader, wife, mother, friend, coach, employee...overall, a much better person.

I want 2009 to be a year of "softening." I recently reconnected with a friend from high school. He said in HS he was "intimidated" by me. He's not the first person to tell me this. Many, many people have told me this, more in the past few years -- it's often after I've seemingly broken through and actually started getting into a somewhat intimate friendship with someone that they "admit" it to me. But, I've realized that, like it or not, there is a perception that I'm kinda scary to some people.

I know (through all these lessons in humility) that this keeps me from depth in relationships. Maybe in the past, I subconsciously used this to protect me from having to be completely honest about my inadequacies (gotta let go of that in REAL relationships, right?). Looking back at some goals I set last year, I said I wanted to develop deep, intimate friendships with 2-3 women...I've started that, but I realize that part of why it takes so long is because I give off this perception...So, in 2009, I want to figure out what I'm doing, saying, etc. that is leading to this perception and "soften" up a bit...

So, Name YOUR Year...Talking through it and sharing it is such a gift...


Kelly said...

Just one title for last year? wow, that may be difficult. I think I would have to say the year of Spiritual Growth. I learned to trust in God completely. With that, so many doors have opened for me and I am much better off for it.
By the way-you use to intimidate me also. But anyone that seemed to "have it all together" spiritually would have until recently. It's funny though, once you start on that path to getting to know someone, you realize we really aren't much different after all.

cinciann said...

thanks for sharing kelly...what would you pre-title 2009?

dang, I'm sorry that I was intimidating...I SOOOOO don't "have it all together" (especially spiritually!)...gotta work on why folks think that...hmmmm...

Kelly said...

Freedom comes to mind. Freedom from many things.

And I think the intimidation had more to do with my lack of self confidence.

Elaine said...

When I think of 2008, I think of Harper. So, I guess my title for 2008 would be "Undeserved Blessing". When I think about 2009, the phrase "Seized Opportunities" comes to mind. I want to recognize and seize professional, spiritual, relational, etc. opportunities. I want to stop being an observer and start being a doer.

Jeff said...

2008? I would have to say "Awakening" and "Preparation".

2009? So many things I want it to be. "Hope", "Change", "Surrender". I guess it all comes down to the definition of manhood from Men's Fraternity.
1. Reject Passivity
2. Accept Responsibility
3. Lead Courageously
4. Expect God's Reward.

Hope your 2009 is blessed. Thank you for making my 2008 tremendously better!

Doug said...

My title for last year would be something like "It has to get better than this." As much good as has happened over the last 12 months, I can't help but come away with a negative overall image of the year as a whole.

As for this year, I'll call it "Hope." I don't know exactly how it's going to happen, but I have this feeling that things are going to get better in 2009. Of course, I would not be at all surprised if they first got a little worse before they got better.