Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've been making excuses lately...and I need to stop it. I'm annoying myself.

Every morning, my alarm goes off at 5:30am.

Most mornings, I do actually hear it, but quickly hit the snooze.

Then, I hit the snooze again 10 minutes later when the alarm goes off again.

Then, I hit the snooze again.

And again.

This goes on for quite some time -- most mornings, an hour or more...honestly, there are often 20-30 minute time periods in there that I really think I'm hitting the snooze in my sleep (not sleep walking or talking in my sleep, my habit is sleep-snoozing).

But, most mornings, sometime around 6am, I think I start to actually wake up a little...and I start making excuses for why I'm not getting out of bed to work are a few of my standards...
  • Nick is sleeping so soundly...if I get up, I'll wake him up. (I like this one, it makes me feel like a caring wife)
  • I think my blood sugar is a bit too high to work out. (that sounds medically sound, right?)
  • I think my blood sugar is a bit too low to work out.
  • I have to be a work early today because I have a lot to do...I don't have time to work out today, but I really wanted to. Darn.
  • I think I'm getting a headache.
  • I'm tired.
  • I'm warm and cozy and it's cold outside the bed.
  • I deserve some sleep...I had a rough night and didn't fall asleep until very late.
  • I'll be grumpy and sleepy all day if I get up this early and work out. (this is clearly the lamest and also the biggest lie I tell myself)
  • I'll just sleep 10 more minutes, and then I'll get up. (this one is a classic...often repeated several times, and then followed by one of the above excuses)
What do they all have in common?

They are all pathetic (except the low blood sugar, but even then, I should at least get up and check it rather than assuming!). They are all convenient. They are all helping me keep this extra 15 lbs that I've been telling myself I'm "actively" trying to lose for the past 2 years...

So there.

I thought if I confessed, it might make me feel a bit more convicted to get my lazy butt out of bed tomorrow and work out...

Oh yeah, and I think I'll move the alarm clock a bit farther away from my bed and see if that helps, too!


DanThoms said...

This makes me tired just reading it. I don't have this problem because I set my clock for so late in the morning that if I don't get up within 10 minutes I'll be late for work.

Unknown said...

How about this: I usually get up at 5 am to go walking, I can start calling you when I wake up to make sure you're up...

Of course that'll wake Nick up also, he'll be grumpy.

cinciann said...

Good idea Steve...the phone is on Nick's side of the bed! ;-)

Seriously, you inspire me, man!

I did get up this morning and work out on the elliptical for awhile, even without a Stevie wake-up call!