When I was growing up, we observed "lent." As I understood it, I had to "give something up" -- something I really, really liked. Giving this thing up would remind me of the sacrifice Jesus made for me, and when he spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting and being tempted to walk away from the path his father had sent him on.
Most years, I gave up candy. Someone once told me about a "loophole" to this lenten rule that said that you had to give up your "thing" all week, but on Sunday, you could have the day off (you know, it's the 'sabbath')...
Each year, I could hardly wait til Easter Sunday, when I could finally enjoy the thing I had given up.
In recent years, as I've ventured farther from religious rules and more into a relationship with Jesus, I've purposely avoided the whole topic of lent...it just didn't make sense to me...it felt like a big "group fast" -- and folks seem to be so interested in comparing notes..."what did you give up this year? I gave up chocolate." "I gave up coffee." I gave up cussing."
This year, once again, I've avoided it.
But, oddly, it's been on my heart...and as I've pressed into it, I think I have a new understanding of the whole thing...
In Luke 4, when Jesus goes into the desert for 40 days, he's tempted with all kinds of great stuff -- power, money, fame, safety...and he resists, and he leans on his father to get him through it. At the end of all the temptation, the Bible says that the devil finished his temptation and left Jesus...
This has me thinking...
What if giving up something is not about me remembering what Jesus did for me? What if its really about me letting myself rely on God to resist stuff that I ought to be resisting anyway. And, what if I hear from Him more clearly because I'm relying on him instead of some other thing (habit, food, drink, whatever) that I'm probably way too reliant on? What if it's really about building up my faith and ability to resist evil?
So, I know I've missed half the "season," but I'm gonna give it a whirl and give something up.
I don't need to tell you what it is...that's between me and God...
I believe if I do this with the right intentions in my heart, He'll actually reveal something to me -- so, by giving something up, I'll get something else in return...probably something much more beneficial to my heart.
So, I'm going to lean on Him, and listen for Him and ask Him what He wants to reveal to me while I'm fasting from this "earthly pleasure."
Please don't tell me what you're "giving up" for lent...but I'd love to know what you are GETTING during lent...care to share?
I tend to add something rather than take away (praying for an enemy each day of lent for example). I have done so again this year. It is helping me remember that simplicity is of God.
Truth be known, I've never observed lent. My sister told me about a girl that she knows that said she was giving up having sex with her boyfriend for lent. We both thought that was kind of amusing. I think she may have been missing the point.
Why does it have to be a seasonal thing? I know it is because we are asked to do this in memory of what Christ did for us...but why just during Easter? I like to do this randomly during the year. I have never done it during Easter. I do want to fast more often. Thanks for posting this...it has reminded me of where I should be with it.
are you giving up exercise?
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